Spring Fling 2025

Friday, March 21st from 5:30PM - 8:30PM

Join us at Coulson Tough for our 5th Annual Spring Fling fundraiser! The whole family is invited and admission is FREE. Tickets are required for games, inflatables, activities, food, drinks, raffle baskets, etc. We will have a Prize Room again this year! Use your tickets to ‘purchase’ small toys, games, accessories, etc. Make sure to save some tickets and check out what we have! 


Make sure you have enough tickets for all the fun, food, and the amazing Raffle Baskets! As a general guide, most families purchase between 50-150 tickets per child.




Game Sponsorships: 

Click HERE to become a sponsor for one of our amazing games or activities! If you sponsor a game or activity for $500 or more, you will be able to attend our event with a table advertising your business, where you can pass out information and/or prizes to the more than 1000 students and families that come to our Spring Fling event! Please click HERE to take you to our SignUp Genius page to see what games and activities you can sponsor.





Please Click HERE if you would like to help with Spring Fling. We have many opportunities to help, whether you want to help from home, at the school, at the event, donate items, etc.



Raffle Baskets: NOW CLOSED

Thank you to all of the families that donated towards this year's Spring Fling Raffle Baskets. Please be sure to purchase tickets to possibly win one of these amazing raffle baskets during the Spring Fling on Friday, March 21st!





Ticket Sales: NOW OPEN

Please click HERE to pre-order your Spring Fling tickets and 5th/6th Wristbands! Pre-order ticket sales will go on sale February 24, 2025. Buy your tickets early to SAVE! Pre-ordered tickets are ($0.75 each). Tickets purchased at the event, the day of are $1.00 each. Pre-order Ticket sales are sold ONLINE ONLY. Tickets and wristbands purchased at Spring Fling, March 21st, will be credit card only, no cash.

5th & 6th GRADE FUN ZONE (5th & 6th Graders ONLY):

Includes DJ Dance Party, Laser Tag, Selfie Photo Booth, and more! Pre-order your wristband for $35 for exclusive access to the Fun Zone! Wristbands purchased at the event will cost $40. Pre-ordered wristbands will not be sent home with your child in advance – they will be distributed at the end of the day and placed on the students by their Homeroom teacher.




Click HERE to purchase Spring Fling pre-order tickets and 5th & 6th Grade Wristbands.

*All ticket and wristband sales are final. No refunds. No exceptions*

Spring Fling Ticket Flyer.zip - 1.PNG





Silent Auction: Coming Soon - Auction opens at 8:00AM March 21st

An online auction with great teacher, staff, and school experiences. The kids love these opportunities with their teachers, staff, and school. There are also some wonderful local businesses that have some of their items up for auction as well! Make sure to take a look and bid on several items! You will need to register to be able to bid on our items through GalaBid.


To Register via SMS on your Cell Phone:

Text: ctptospringfling2025 followed by your full name

To: 541-583-4642

Example: ctptospringfling2024 John Smith


To Register via an internet browser or scanning the QR Code:
Visit: galabid.com/ctptospringfling2025

Click on the 'Register' button

Enter your details and click 'Register'





Thank you for supporting our PTO spring fundraiser!

How Can You Help?

We couldn't organize such a large event without help from our amazing CT families. Here are ways you can contribute to the success of Spring Fling:


  • Volunteer for/at Spring Fling: Please see SIGNUP for volunteer opportunities leading up to and at the event
  • Stuffed Animal Donations: For our popular Stuffed Animal Walk

  • Cake/Soda Donations: For our popular Cake Walk and Soda Ring Toss







Please bring three (2) 2-liter bottles of soda (any flavor). All winners of the Ring Toss Game will receive a 2-liter soda as a prize! Collections will be in the Front Office or in the morning car line starting Monday, February 26th – Friday, March 1st



Please bring a sealed, store-bought/packaged cake or dessert (cupcakes, cookies, muffins, etc.). NO homemade baked goods. NO items that require refrigeration or freezing. NO nuts or peanut butter items please. All the winners of the Cake Walk will be given a dessert as a prize! Please consider purchasing small cakes or smaller amounts of packaged cupcakes, cookies, etc. Collections will be in the Front Office or in the morning car line starting Wednesday, March 19th – Friday, March 21st



Please bring in new or like-new/gently used stuffed animals (smoke-free home, no rips or holes). There will be a special bin located in the Front Office where you can drop off your stuffed animal donations or you can send them to school with your child starting Monday, March 3rd – Tuesday, March 18th.



Stuffed Animal donations can be dropped off Monday, March 3- Tuesday, March 18


Soda donations can be dropped off Monday, March 17 – Friday, March 21


Cake/Cookie/Dessert donations can be dropped off Wednesday, March 19 – Friday, March 21


Collections can be made in the Front Office or in the car line. There will be volunteers to collect your donations in the morning car line.


If you have additional questions about sponsorship, please contact the VP of Fundraising: toughptofundraising@gmail.com


Thank you for your support!