Welcome to the Coulson Tough PTO Website!

Upcoming Coulson Tough School & PTO Events

12/20 - Early Dismissal @ 11:55AM

12/23 - 1/6 - NO SCHOOL - Winter Break

1/7 - Student return to school after Winter Break

Find us on Facebook!


Welcome Coulson Tough Titan families! We hope this site will serve as a helpful resource for PTO news, purchases, access to the Student Directory, and more. If you don't see what you are looking for, please contact us!


Be sure to download the CT PTO Membership Tool Kit Mobile App.


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2025 Spring Fling Game Sponsorships


Our second and final fundraiser of the school year, Spring Fling, is almost here! It is a fun, carnival-like event with games, inflatables, food, raffle baskets, silent auction, prize room, special zone for our 'upper-classmen' 5th and 6th graders, and so much more!


To put on an event of this magnitude, we NEED YOUR HELP! We have several games and inflatables that local businesses and/or families can sponsor. Your sponsorships help offset the cost of these otherwise very expensive activities, and we all know prices have gone up. We currently have over 16 game sponsorship opportunities.


Please consider sponsoring one or more of our Spring Fling games! Please visit HERE and take a look at our Sign-Up Genius for more information on becoming a sponsor.


We know Spring Fling is still 3 months away, but the planning is in full swing. For anyone looking for an end of the year business or personal tax deduction, this is a great opportunity.


If you have additional questions about sponsorship, please contact the VP of Fundraising: toughptofundraising@gmail.com


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Become a member of the CT PTO today! No obligation, get a vote at the meetings, and access to our online student directory!!!

*If you don't have an account, you can easily create one


*If you do have an account:

Log in and visit our "PTO Store"

Click on "PTO CT FAMILY Membership (CT Parents/Families)" from the drop down menu or click HERE









Coulson Tough Library Volunteer SignUpGenius.   

Volunteers are the backbone of the library! If you have not volunteered in a library before, never fear training and assistance is provided!  If English is not your first language, please do not be afraid to volunteer, if you can only volunteer once in awhile, your time is still appreciated and needed. Mrs. Wells clwells@conroeisd.net






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Looking for an easy way to show the Coulson Tough staff how much you appreciate their dedication to our school? Next time you are at the at the store and have room in your cart, consider grabbing something from the list below and dropping it off in the front office. Our staff and substitutes love to pop into the lounge to grab a drink or a snack to keep them moving throughout the day! Thank you for all you do to support our staff!

  • K-cups - Coffee (various flavors), Hot Chocolate, Tea, etc.
  • Disposable coffee cups
  • Sugar
  • Creamer
  • Sodas or flavored waters
  • Grab & go snacks (chips, popcorn, pretzels, snack mixes, dried fruits, etc.)


Why join the PTO?

By purchasing a PTO membership, you help support our students and enrich their educational experience. PTO members also enjoy exclusive access to our electronic Student Directory. 


Help raise money for our school while you shop!


THANK YOU to our


Friends of Tough Sponsors!