What is the PTO?


The PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. The goal of our PTO is to enhance the total educational experience for our Coulson Tough students and their families. Our membership is made up of parents and staff at Coulson Tough Elementary, and our primary objective is to support our students and the whole school community through volunteerism and fundraising. We look forward to a successful year and the positive impact our PTO will make on our students' education and experience at Coulson Tough. Click here to view the current PTO Board & Committee Members list.
What's the difference between a PTO and PTA?


The main difference between a PTO and a PTA is that a PTO is an independent group whereas a PTA is a National Organization. There are pros and cons to each. Coulson Tough is a PTO and does not pay any membership fees to any national organization. All membership fees we collect go directly to the Coulson Tough PTO and are used to support the school. 
What is the purpose of the PTO and what does it do?


The purpose of the Parent Teacher Organization, or PTO, is to support the school both financially and physically in order to enhance the educational environment at school. The PTO raises funds throughout the year to pay for a large variety of programs, events, and activities. In addition, the PTO organizes and supports these efforts with its many volunteers.
Why should I join the PTO?  How do I join?


Membership in the PTO helps to support Coulson Tough and its students. Membership fees go directly to the PTO budget to support the school and therefore our students' educational experience. It includes the benefit of attending all General PTO meetings and voting on decisions being made. The yearly cost is $20 per family and includes exclusive access to our electronic Student Directory. PTO membership is the only way to gain access to the Student Directory. 

Join the PTO!

When are the meetings?  Who can attend the meetings?  Where are they held?


PTO meetings are held monthly at our Coulson Tough campus. They typically fall on the first or second Thursday of the month at 10am. Anyone who has joined the PTO may attend meetings. Click here for detailed information regarding PTO meetings. 
How can I help/volunteer?


The PTO has many volunteer opportunities with varying levels of time commitment throughout the year to accommodate different schedules. We welcome any and all help! In addition, there may be opportunities to volunteer/help in your child’s classroom. These opportunities are usually coordinated through your room parent or teacher. Click here for all the details regarding volunteering.
How does the PTO raise funds?  How is the money spent?


The PTO raises funds in two ways: Fundraisers and Donations, both of which are explained in more detail below.

The PTO has two fundraising events per year - one in the fall (Love for Tough Campaign) and one in the spring (Spring Fling).
Funds raised from these fundraisers are used to pay for a variety of things, including: field trips for all students, technology equipment, campus enhancements, staff development and training, educational software and licensing, educational experiences, and much more. Usage of funds raised from Fundraisers is determined annually and based on the school’s needs at that time as determined by the Principal. 
All other events/activities coordinated by the PTO are done as a courtesy to the students, parents, and/or staff and are not intended to raise money or contribute to the PTO's overall budget.
The PTO also receives funds through donations. Items that fall under this category include: Friends of Tough Business Sponsors, Partner Share Spirit Events, and PTO Membership fees.
Funds received from donations are used to pay for things such as: Staff Appreciation, Counselor Programs, Educational Materials and Tools (beyond what the district provides), Spring Fling, Winter Wonderland, Field Day, Spirit Wear, Book Fair, Student Planners, Maintenance and Enhancements to the school grounds (beyond what the district provides), Fees / Expenses associated with Banking, PTO Website and PTO Insurance, and Storage Facility for PTO items.


What is the PTO’s Budget?  Can I view it?


The budget is reviewed each year by the PTO Board and principal in order to determine the needs for our school. The budget is managed by the PTO Treasurer and updated frequently throughout the year to adjust actual income and expenses as they occur. Any line item changes to the budget must be voted on and approved by the PTO Board. PTO members can receive an updated budget report at each month's PTO meeting or on our website PTO Budget page.


Do we have a student directory?  How do I get a copy?


We have an online Student Directory, and the only way to gain access to the online directory is by joining the PTO. ALL Coulson Tough students’ names, grade levels, and Homeroom teachers will be listed in the online Student Directory along with any parent contact information provided. Only families with a paid PTO membership ($20) can gain access to the online directory, which is a great way to connect with friends and classmates for party invitations, playdates, etc. Our online directory can even be printed at home if you prefer a hard copy.


How do I submit my child’s information for inclusion in the student directory?


Join Membership Toolkit so you can enter/manage what information you want included in the online directory. Note: you can join Membership Toolkit and submit your information for the directory without becoming a paid PTO member; however, you will only be able to access the directory yourself if you are a paid member.